Amber Tichenor has a Ph.D. in I/O Psychology and is the founder of To Be, Coaching + Consulting®. A thought leader on the topic of women’s rivalry, Amber has 20+ years’ experience as an Organizational Change Strategy and Leadership consultant where she helped guide...
53 – Motivation Monday – Patience or Patient Leaders
Happy Motivation Monday!
We are continuing the empathy series with the letter “P” today, and we cannot have an empathy series without discussing Patience or Patient Leaders. So, what do you think about patience? How important is patience to you as a leader?
In my opinion, you simply cannot have empathy without patience because it takes time and patience to put yourself in someone’s shoes. It takes patience to truly be objective and succeed in leadership.
How can you become a more patient leader? Listen to the episode to find out a few tips and lessons I’ve learned along the way. I’ll tell you a few of my experiences with patience as well, because I definitely was not always a patient leader. And of course, I will share, my opinion.
Let me know what you think!
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