Amber Tichenor has a Ph.D. in I/O Psychology and is the founder of To Be, Coaching + Consulting®. A thought leader on the topic of women’s rivalry, Amber has 20+ years’ experience as an Organizational Change Strategy and Leadership consultant where she helped guide...
55 – Motivation Monday – Appreciative Leadership
Let’s continue our journey on the Empathy Series! We are on the letter “A” and I decided to discuss Appreciation or Appreciative Leadership for several reasons. I don’t think you can have an empathy discussion or series without talking about appreciation for others. However, being an appreciative leader is so much more than being grateful for your team. It’s an actual leadership style.
When researching for this episode, I actually found a book written about it and countless articles. One article and study really captured my interest and that is what I talk about on this episode. I discuss the five strategies that were discovered in this study and give my opinion on them, as well as how I believe you can apply them as an appreciative leader yourself. Of course, all in my opinion as well.
Let me know what your opinion is, I’d love to know! Here is the article:
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