Amber Tichenor has a Ph.D. in I/O Psychology and is the founder of To Be, Coaching + Consulting®. A thought leader on the topic of women’s rivalry, Amber has 20+ years’ experience as an Organizational Change Strategy and Leadership consultant where she helped guide...
61 – Motivation Monday – YOU in Leadership and Empathy
I feel that it is appropriate to end the empathy series talking about you. Yes, YOU. Because at the end of it all, it really comes down to you as the leader. Don’t get me wrong, you are nothing without your team. In my opinion though, it is a chicken or the egg concept that arises in leadership. How can you truly build the team that you know will lead your concept, idea, product, branch, company, or whatever it is to success if you don’t know yourself as a leader?
You are the true driver behind it all so join me in the final episode of the Motivation Monday series on empathy. I discuss in my opinion how important it is for every leader to know herself as an individual leader before ever taking on a team or building one. How can you do that before ever leading? Well in my opinion, we are all already leaders in our life everyday. Listen and find out why I think this… in my opinion.
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