Amber Tichenor has a Ph.D. in I/O Psychology and is the founder of To Be, Coaching + Consulting®. A thought leader on the topic of women’s rivalry, Amber has 20+ years’ experience as an Organizational Change Strategy and Leadership consultant where she helped guide...
74 – Title Leadership versus True Leadership
The last year was undoubtedly a shock for everyone across the globe. As a leader, you would have to be a blind one, let alone, an inefficient one not to address the affect the pandemic had on the world. What does all this mean for leadership though? Some leaders may scrambling still to think about the future of their company, stakeholders, financials, and even, what does it mean for their own position? But in my opinion, the real question for true leaders now is what does that mean for the future of their people; our people? Because I believe as leaders, we are all in this together.
When the pandemic first hit, all leaders froze for a considerable amount of time. I also know that it is the pandemic that has weeded out the true leaders from the title leaders. What’s a title leader? Well, you may already know one, and you may already know where I am going with this… but a title leader is in a leadership role just because he or she has been given the title of Manager, Director, VP, CEO, Owner, or Founder. Does this really mean that this individual is a leader? In my opinion, no. What do you think though? Let’s find out why though if you do not already know why I feel this way about “title” leadership.
Often we believe that we promote individuals that are “qualified” into leadership roles for various reasons. Perhaps we think it is the next step in their career as it is a natural progression for him or her…. but is it? And why are we so quick to push people into leadership? Or, why are we so hesitant to put those who are not “#1” at something in leadership? Find out why I believe in my opinion that the best leaders are not always the best performers…
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