Alexa Seleno

E for Evolve in the Empathy Series

I decided to do an empathy series for several reasons. I truly do not believe you can even entertain the idea of leadership if you do not understand empathy. So, that was definitely the core of the inspiration to dedicate seven episodes of my podcast and blog entries...

Welcome to the MaYapinion™ Blog!

I am an avid reader of blogs so I felt it was important that my podcast also have a coordinating blog again. I am happy to announce that it finally does have one finally hosted on my site. It’s a bit ironic I suppose that I tend to read more blogs than listen to...

55 – Motivation Monday – Appreciative Leadership

Let’s continue our journey on the Empathy Series! We are on the letter “A” and I decided to discuss Appreciation or Appreciative Leadership for several reasons. I don’t think you can have an empathy discussion or series without talking about...

54 – Women for Women Wednesday – Julie Mann

It’s time for another inspiring woman to join us and this week, I am joined by the lovely Julie Mann! I met Julie through networking; something I do best and do pretty much every single day online. Networking is so powerful because you can meet wonderful souls...