Alexa Seleno

Your Role as a Leader in Building Organizational Culture

  Organizational culture refers to the overall personality of the organization and has to do with the daily activities that make up the company. It is the day-to-day beliefs and behaviors of a leader and his employees. It is essential for every organization that...

78 – Organizational Culture Basics

In this episode, I dive into organizational culture and discuss how to build organizational culture while outlining some tips about culture. Culture is one of the most talked-about topics on this podcast. Every leader must cultivate a healthy organizational culture so...

Are Cover Letters still Relevant – Featuring Brandi Bernoskie

On the blog, I have a recap of Brandi Bernoskie, a speaker and chief executive officer of Alchemy and Aim, episode from the podcast. We discuss topics ranging from her evolution to bits of advice for people starting with a website and include leadership styles and...